

Med Spa located in Coral Gables, FL

Are you bothered by excess fullness beneath your chin? If so, Kybella® offers an outstanding solution and is available from Rebecca Juliao, ACNP, of Injectologie in Coral Gables, Florida. If you’d like more information about the injectable aesthetic treatment, reach out to the office by phone during normal business hours. You can also book an office visit or virtual consultation online any time of day.

What is the purpose of Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that reduces fullness in the area beneath your chin. Often called a “double chin,” this fullness can make you appear older than your age or heavier than your weight. 

Many people have successfully reduced their body weight through diet and exercise, but there’s no way to control which areas of your body will continue to store fat. Genetics plays a role in fat storage, which is why you can maintain a healthy weight yet still struggle with problem areas. 

Kybella eliminates a portion of targeted fat cells. The medication is formulated from a synthetic deoxycholic acid. This is the same substance your body produces naturally to help break down and absorb dietary fat. When injected into the tissues beneath your chin, Kybella breaks down fat cells, causing them to release stored fat. 

What should I expect during Kybella treatments?

During your consultation, your practitioner examines your skin and discusses how Kybella can help you streamline your profile. If you decide to move forward with treatment, a numbing cream reduces sensation in the area of focus. 

Your practitioner then marks the skin beneath your chin with a grid-like array of small dots. This ensures the medication is administered evenly across the treatment area. It only takes around 20 minutes to deliver the shallow injections. The number of injections you’ll need depends on the targeted treatment area. 

A degree of redness, swelling, and minimal bruising is to be expected in the days following your treatment, but your body quickly adjusts. It takes time for the medication to destroy targeted fat cells and for your body to process and eliminate the cell material and stored fat. 

How many Kybella treatments will I need?

Expect to see results develop gradually. During your initial consultation, your practitioner estimates the number of treatments you’ll need to reach your goals. 

In most cases, patients achieve optimal results after a series of two or more treatment sessions. Of course, your treatment path is shaped by how much fat you’re trying to eliminate, as well as how your body responds to Kybella. 

The best way to learn more is by coming in for a personalized consultation or scheduling a virtual consultation. You can connect with Injectologie online at any time of day or over the phone during normal business hours.